Online Registration 

    公開組 - 10公里 Open - 10KM公開組 - 3公里 Open - 3KM三人隊際 - 10公里 Triple team - 10KM三人隊際 - 3公里 Triple team - 3KM親子(非競賽)組 (二人) - 1.5公里 Family (Non-Competition) team (double) - 1.5KM親子(非競賽)組 (三人) - 1.5公里 Family (Non-Competition) team (triple) - 1.5KM

    參加者資料 Participant Info

    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female

    緊急聯絡人 Emergency Contact Person

    緊急聯絡人電話 Emergency Contact Number


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20

    [group parents-group-double]

    隊名 Team name


    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20

    [/group] [group parents-group-triple]

    隊名 Team name


    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20

    隊員(二) Teammate A

    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20

    [/group] [group Team-infobox]

    隊名 Team name

    隊員(二) Teammate A

    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female

    緊急聯絡人 Emergency Contact Person

    緊急聯絡人電話 Emergency Contact Number


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20

    隊員(三) Teammate B

    姓氏(請以英文填寫) Last name

    名字(請以英文填寫) First name

    電郵 Email

    手提電話 Mobile

    身份証或護照號碼(英文字母及首3位數字)HKID Card / Passport No. - prefix and first 3 digits only

    出生年份 Year of Birth - yyyy

    男 Male女 Female

    緊急聯絡人 Emergency Contact Person

    緊急聯絡人電話 Emergency Contact Number


    個性號碼布 Custom bib name
    不需要 No需要 Yes +$ 20


    網站 WebsiteFacebookYoutube電子郵件 Email報刊 Periodicals店舖 Shop海報及傳單 Poster & Leaflet巴士 Bus的士 Taxi地鐵 MTR其他 Other

    報名費用Entry Fee (*跟年齡細分組別詳情請參閱賽事資料)


    + 個性號碼布費用 Custom bib fee


    1.報名一經確認,報名費不作退款及不得轉讓。 2.參賽名額不能轉讓,亦不接納任何更改比賽組別之申請。若報名者未能提供完整及正確資料或不乎合參賽資格等,大會保留取消其報名資格的權利,有關報名費將不獲退還。 3.大會保留以電話訪問或以其他方式,查詢報名者,以及要求提供補充資料之權利。 4.若比賽當日早上五時懸掛八號或以上颱風警告或黑色暴雨警告,賽事將會取消,報名費將不予退回。 5.大會保留因應道路實際情況或緊急情況下,於賽事前或進行中更改任何賽道之權利而無須作另行通知。 6.在任何情況下,參賽者必須聽從大會及賽道上任何工作人員的指示。 7.大會保留權利取消任何觸犯、違反或不遵守任何大會競賽規則人士的參賽資格及成績。被取消資格的參賽者之報名費,將不獲退還。 8.所有獎項及名次均以大會時間計算。 9.所有獎項只會於比賽當天的指定時間頒發,大會不設補領、預領和代領。 10.大會不設任何上訴。 11.參賽者的個人保險須自行負責。 12.參賽者屬自願參加比賽,並願意自行承擔所有責任。 13.於往返比賽場地或比賽中,參賽者一旦受到任何財物損失、受傷或死亡,主辦單位、贊助商及其它有關合辦機構均毋須負上任何責任。 14.若參賽者在活動期間發生事故而導致主辦單位、贊助商及其它有關合辦機構支付額外開支,參賽者同意對主辦機構、贊助商及其它有關合辦機構彌償一切損失。 15.參賽者授權予大會及傳媒,在毋須經本人審查的情況下,使用其肖像、姓名、聲音及個人資料,作為活動推廣之用。 16.參賽者於確認報名時已同意遵守及接受在此及其後所有大會引入之條款及細則及大會比賽規則。 17.本條款及細則包括英文及中文版本,若英文與中文之內容有任何歧義,則以英文版本為準。 18.主辦單位擁有修改及解釋以上條款的權利。 1.Entry fees are not refundable nor transferable upon the approved application. 2.All Entries are not transferable. The Organizer will not accept request for category change after the registration is completed. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel entry of any applicants without refund if they have provided false or incomplete information, or fail to meet entry requirements. 3.The Organizer also reserves the right to contact and interview applicants by phone or other means for any additional information required for their application. 4.If a Black Rainstorm Signal or Typhoon Signal No.8 is issued at 5 am on the event day, the event will be cancelled without refund due to bad weather conditions. 5.The Organizer reserves the right to change or alter any parts of the running route before and during the race without prior notice to participants in the event of unexpected road conditions or emergency. 6.Instructions given by the Organizer and race officials must be followed with respect to all matters not provided herein. 7.The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any person and / or nullify his or her result due to any violation, breach or non-observance of any competition rules set for this event. The Organizer shall not be obliged to refund any entry fee under such circumstances. 8.All prizes and positions will be determined by Offical times. 9.All awards will only be presented on-site at designated time on the race day. 10.No protest or complaint shall be entertained. 11.Participants are advised to take up their own personal or other insurance policies separately if necessary. 12.Participant's enrollment and participation are all conducted voluntarily and he/she is willing to assume all responsibility of their own. 13.Organizer takes no responsibility for any losses or damages (actual or consequential) and injuries or deaths of the participants and his guests or his authorized persons at the event. 14.In case there are additional expenses or costs incurred by the Organizer and any other individual, organization or company connected directly or indirectly with the Event arising from or in connection with participants participation in the event, participants shall indemnify or reimburse the Organizer. 15.Participants irrevocably grant the organizer and any sponsors the right to photograph them during the event and have participants name, voice, likeness and appearance made into photographs, sound, video or multi-media recordings relation to the event and to use in perpetuity throughout the world, in all media now known or hereafter devised for organizing events, advertising and promotion. 16.Upon submitting his/her entry, applicant agrees to accept all Terms & Conditions and agree to the Official Competition Rules as stipulated and also to those that maybe later introduced by the Organizer to regulate the smooth running of the event. 17.These Terms and Conditions are in English and Chinese and in case of discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 18.The Organizer reserves the rights to amend or interpret the above regulations, terms and conditions.

    接受條款及細則 本人已閱讀並接受以上條款及細則。
    I have read, understood and agreed with the above terms and conditions.

    信用卡付款 (Paypal) Pay by Credit Card (Paypal)銀行轉賬或以支票繳付 Pay by Check or Bank Transfer

    *你可以透過Paypal輸入信用卡資料進行付款,而不需要申請Paypal帳戶。 *You can use credit card to make a payment through PayPal. You do not need to apply for a PayPal account .

    The information provided by the applicant(s) will only be used for the enrollment and promotion by the organizer. Please tick the box if you do not wish to receive promotional news and offers


    1. Application deadline for the event will be on 5th Oct, 2018. Limited availability on a first come first served basis. The Organizer reserves the right to close entries before the deadline without any notice once the race quota is full.
    2. Participants who wish to amend or enquire their personal information submitted should contact the Organizer at [email protected] .

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    The mission is to strive for protecting historical military relics in Hong Kong. It committed to promote the importance of cultural heritage in Hong Kong to the teenagers.

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